Paradis Maison Maximalist Decor & Feng Shui Consulting

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7 Ways to Be a Maximalist Minimalist

7 Ways to Be a Maximalist Minimalist

How to Create Maximalist Style with Minimal Clutter

In a world that often urges us to declutter and simplify, there exists a fascinating concept that marries the principles of minimalism with a twist of abundance—Maximalist Minimalism. This intriguing approach encourages individuals to find joy and purpose in their possessions while maintaining the essence of a simplified lifestyle. Together let’s explore the art of being a Maximalist Minimalist and how you can embrace this unique philosophy in your own life.

1. Curation & Intention

Begin your journey into Maximalist Minimalism by setting clear intentions. Understand the purpose and value each item brings to your life. This is not about mindless accumulation but about curating a collection that sparks joy and serves a meaningful role in your daily existence.

Curate Thoughtfully. Maximalist Minimalism is not an excuse to accumulate without purpose. Rather, it encourages a thoughtful curation of items that contribute positively to your life. Each possession should have a story, a function, or a sentimental value. Be intentional about what you bring into your space.

Rather than spreading your decor items all over your counter tops, create groups in zones with empty space in between the zones. This creates interest while maintaining areas of breathable open space. Grouping items by color, material, theme or shape creates even more definition that is pleasing to the eye while reducing visual clutter. When items are in order, mental clarity improves. Ideally keep your collections under glass domes or in cabinets to keep them dust free and low maintenance.

2. Think Walls not Floor

Keep the majority of your décor mounted to the walls and the floor space clear. This will create maximum visual interest without blocking the flow. Ideally use a ratio close to 70% wall, 20% counter and 10% floor. You can always use a high-impact art rug to make the floor beautiful and colorful while not impeding your ability to vacuum up dust and keep your dance space danceable! Save your floor space for large furniture pieces, floor lamps and large sculptures or fountains. Placing smaller items on the floor always creates clutter and makes it impossible to clean. Even in your wardrobe, you will feel that flow by keeping clothing and shoes off the floor.

Maximalist Minimalism encourages the creation of spaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional. Arrange your possessions in a way that enhances your daily life rather than hindering it.

3. Use your existing maximalist vessels for storage and organization

Rather than buying even more plastic boxes and hoarding cardboard, use your vintage beautiful décor items for storage. Decant items in unattractive packaging into your existing collection! Use an antique silver bowl for your business cards, your grandmother’s decanter for your mouthwash, a wooden chest for paper mail. Just by getting rid of old packaging you create more space. It’s amazing how much space just the original product wrapping takes up!

While you are at it, scan or take digital photos of paperwork and receipts, upload anything important onto the cloud and then pass them through the shredder. You will feel soo much lighter once you’ve gotten rid of old paper files.

4. Use your ceilings to hang beautiful items

Ceiling space is often under utilized and has the potential to create a stimulating space. Keep beautiful objects off the floor and from cluttering up the counters by hanging them from the ceiling. Just make sure that you keep head room and if your ceilings are low then only use the corners where you aren’t sitting. You can use this opportunity to create some ambient lighting with lanterns or some extra sparkle with crystals or stained glass refracted light.

5. Embrace Color and Texture

Unlike traditional minimalism that often leans towards neutral tones and simplicity, Maximalist Minimalism welcomes color, texture, and patterns. Don't shy away from vibrant hues or bold designs. The key is to create a harmonious blend that reflects your personality without overwhelming your space.

6. Rehome or discard the items that no longer bring you joy

Does your collection of vintage tins bring you a feeling of abundance like it used to? It’s ok to let things go to make space for the new and improved. Just because you paid for it doesn’t mean you need to keep paying for it with your mental energy. Let it go Elsa, your space to breathe is more valuable. If you are holding onto items gifted to you that you don’t really like then pass them on. The person gifting it to you would want you to be at peace or they would have given you something you really wanted. If you feel sentimental, take a photo then give it away. Maximalism isn’t really about the amount of items you collect but the impact of those objects, better to have a few wonderful and whimsical high impact pieces than a hundred low-quality uninspiring dust collectors. Think Maximum effect with Minimal Clutter.

Be a generous maximalist and gift what you no longer need to someone who will appreciate it more. Maximalism is not about hoarding, it is about living in an inspired space that lifts your spirit in every way! Don’t forget that the more space you create, the more new magical items you can bring home too!

7. Mindful Consumption

Maximalist Minimalism isn't about mindless consumption. Instead, it encourages mindfulness in every purchase. Before acquiring a new item, ask yourself if it aligns with your values and contributes positively to your life. This approach fosters a sense of gratitude for the things you own.

Invest in well-made, durable items that stand the test of time. This not only aligns with sustainable practices but also ensures that your possessions maintain their value and functionality over the long term.

To avoid stagnation, periodically evaluate your possessions and make room for new additions. This doesn't mean constant accumulation; instead, it encourages a dynamic and evolving collection that adapts to your changing tastes and needs.

Embracing Maximalist Minimalism is about finding the delicate balance between simplicity and abundance. It's a celebration of the things that bring joy and purpose into our lives while remaining mindful of the impact our choices have on our environment and well-being. By curating thoughtfully, embracing color, and prioritizing quality, you can embark on a journey towards a more vibrant and fulfilling minimalist lifestyle!